Grup arama :

Grup Arama > için 50 sonuç bulundu :

çılgın kızlar

herşey burda :))

837 üye.

Son gönderilen mesaj: 9.05.2010 15:43:35

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Nasıl bir memleketsin sen?

829 üye.

Son gönderilen mesaj: 10.05.2008 18:26:02

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818 üye.

Son gönderilen mesaj: 19.07.2009 11:12:11

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TurkComic MaXiMuM MiZaH


788 üye.

Son gönderilen mesaj: 20.04.2011 21:07:55

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Araba Sevdalıları

İşte araba bu dur dediğiniz arabaların olduğu tek grup :) :)

725 üye.

Son gönderilen mesaj: 19.04.2008 12:37:54

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sevgi diyarı

burası yemyeşil ağaçlarla kaplı nehirlerin en berrak haliyle aktığı yüreğinde sevgi olanları buluştuğu bir diyar ne dersiniz huzurlu bir ortamdır

711 üye.

Son gönderilen mesaj: 25.10.2010 22:42:31

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Eğitimcilerin,İnsan İşleyenlerin Grubu

689 üye.

Son gönderilen mesaj: 7.01.2010 20:06:11

Üye ol

THE FIFTIES 1951 - "Rocket 88," considered the first Rock record, is released. 1952 - Little Richard's first records are released. 1953 - Elvis Presley makes his first (private) recordings. 1954 - Ray Charles forms his own band. 1955 - The movie Blackboard Jungle is released featuring Bill Haley & The Comets' "Rock Around The Clock." RCA signs Elvis Presley. The Everly Bros. make their first studio recordings. 1956 - Elvis' first film, Love Me Tender. An impromptu recording session at Sun Studios for Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash, the million dollar quartet. 1957 - Chuck Berry releases the hits "School Day" and "Rock And Roll Music" 1958 - Elvis is drafted into the U.S. Army 1959 - Buddy Holly is killed in a plane crash.

663 üye.

Son gönderilen mesaj: 29.04.2008 22:16:04

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SeVgİnİn GüCü

SeVgİ İstemek... Hayal etmek... İnanmak... Olmayacak şey yoktur! Eğer ki; bu duygulara sahipseniz...

652 üye.

Son gönderilen mesaj: 19.07.2009 11:11:51

Üye ol

Country Profile The lands of Turkey are located at a point where the three continents making up the old world. Asia, Africa and Europe are closest to each other, and straddle the point where Europe and Asia meet. Geographically, the country is located in the northern half of the hemisphere at a point that is about halfway between the equator and the north pole, at a longitude of 36 degrees N to 42 degrees N and a latitude of 26 degrees E to 45 degrees E. Turkey is roughly rectangular in shape and is 1,660 kilometers wide. Because of its geographical location the mainland of Anatolia has always found favour throughout history, and is the birthplace of many great civilizations. It has also been prominent as a centre of commerce because of its land connections to three continents and the sea surrounding it on three sides. Area The actual area of Turkey inclusive of its lakes, is 814,578 square kilometres, of which 790,200 are in Asia and 24,378 are located in Europe.

636 üye.

Son gönderilen mesaj: 11.02.2008 17:38:53

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