Sanat > Müzik > Rock > Empyrium

"Weiland" is now released since quite some time and as some of you might have read elsewhere, we hereby confirm that this is the last Empyrium release. We feel it's about time to move on to new concepts and projects. Empyrium has explored nature-mystics since 1994, and after 8 years we feel to move on and made a glorious farewell to the concept with "Weiland"...we will keep you updated about new projects of Empyrium members on this page however, so we hope it's still worthy to drop by...

aktif grup üyeleri

Niyazi (niyazi)
Niyazi niyazi
Bu kişi şu an çevrim dışı.

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Grup Kurucusu:
Niyazi  (niyazi)
Niyazi (niyazi) Bu kişi şu an çevrim dışı.

Gruptaki üye sayısı: 15

Kuruluş tarihi: 2.12.2004

Grup izinleri:

Mesaj Panosu sadece üyelere açık.
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