Sanat > Müzik > Rock > Rock > Mesaj Panosu > Güzel Şarkı Sözleri

Güzel Şarkı Sözleri


Chuck (liberter)
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20 Kasım 2004 Cumartesi 16:43:53
Bu alanda, hoşumuza giden lyricleri paylaşabiliriz diye duşundum..

Megadeth---In My Darkest Hour

In my hour of need
Ha you're not there
And though I reached out for you
Wouldn't lend a hand

Through the darkest hour
Grace did not shine on me
It feels so cold, very cold
No one cares for me

Did you ever think I get lonely
Did you ever think that I needed love
Did you ever think to stop thinking
You're the only one that I'm thinking of

You'll never know how hard I tried
To find my space and satisfy you too

Things will be better when I'm dead and gone
Don't try to understand, knowing you I'm probably wrong

But oh how I lived my life for you
Still you'd turn away
Now as I die for you
My flesh still crawls as I breathe your name
All these years I thought I was wrong
Now I know it was you
Raise your head raise your face your eyes
Tell me who you think you are, who ?

I walk, I walk alone
Into the promised land
There's a better place for me
But it's far, far away
Everlasting life for me
In a perfect world
But I gotta die first
Please God send me on my way

Time has a way of taking time
Loneliness is not only felt by fools
Alone I call to ease the pain
Yearning to be held by you, alone, so alone, I'm lost
Consumed by the pain
The pain, the pain, the pain

Won't you hold me again
You just laughed, ha, ha, bitch
My whole life is work built on the past
But the time has come when all things shall pass
This good thing passed away

e. (eef0)
Bu kişi şu an çevrim dışı.
20 Kasım 2004 Cumartesi 20:59:14

telepopmusik - love can damage your health
And you sold it to her,
now you feel fooled.
She's the one gone bad.

She'll do it anyway,
and take the lead and say.
She won't be kind, no

Coz she's too nice to you,
and you're too nice to her.
You don't let each other burn.
Gay prarie.
Coz you know comes a time,
when love will unwind.
Somebody suffers,
what's new?
Still you.

So you know that it's over.
Love can damage your health.

You don't put up a fight,
if you don't let each other get worried.

You know there's a time,
so don't let down your guard,
even keep up your shield.
Coz she doesn't care,
just what they say.

So you know that it's over.
Love can damage your health. song incoming

I brought you something close to me,
left for something you see though you're here.

You haunt my dreams,
there's nothing to do but believe,
just believe.
Just breathe.

Stop breathing.
Stop breathing.
Stop breathing...

Chuck (liberter)
Bu kişi şu an çevrim dışı.
21 Kasım 2004 Pazar 01:30:37
Türkiyede verdikleri son konserde bu parçada kendimi tutamayıp ağlamıştım, copy paste i yaparken aklıma geldi tebessum ettim

Anathema- One Last Goodbye

How I needed you
How I grieve now you're gone
In my dreams I see you
I awake so alone

I know you didn't want to leave
Your heart yearned to stay
But the strength I always loved in you
Finally gave way

Somehow I knew you would leave me this way
Somehow I knew you could never.. never stay
And in the early morning light
After a silent peaceful night
You took my heart away
And I grieve

In my dreams I can see you
I can tell you how I feel
In my dreams I can hold you
And it feels so real

I still feel the pain
I still feel your love
I still feel the pain
I still feel your love

And somehow I knew you could never, never stay
And somehow I knew you would leave me
And in the early morning light
After a Silent peaceful night
You took my heart away
I wished, I wished you could have stayed

e. (eef0)
Bu kişi şu an çevrim dışı.
28 Kasım 2004 Pazar 05:58:09
migala - gurb song

I wanted someone to enter my life like a bird that comes into a kitchen
and starts breaking things
and crashes with doors and Windows,
leaving chaos and destruction.

This is why I accepted her kisses as someone who has been given a
leaflet at the subway.
I knew, dont ask me why or how,
that we were gonna share even our toothpaste.

We got to know each other by caressing each other's scars.
avoiding getting too close to know too much.
We wanted happiness to be like a virus that reaches everyplace in a sick body.

I turned my home into a water-bed, and her breasts into dark sand castles.

She gave me her metaphors,
her botties of gin, and
her North Africa stamp collection.

At night we would talk in dreams, back to back,
and we would always always agree.

The sheets were so much like our skin that we stopped going to work.

Love became a strong big man with us,
terribly handy, a proper liar,
with big eyes and red lips.

She made me feel brand new.

I watched her get fucked up,
lose touch,
we listened to Nick Drake in her tape recorder
and she told me she was a writer.

I read her book in two and a half hours and cried all the way through
as watching Bambi.

She told me that when I think she has loved me all she could,
she was gonna love me a little bit more.

My ego and her cynicism got on really well and we would say
"what would you do in case I die?" or
"what If I had Aids?" or
"don't you like The Smiths" or

e. (eef0)
Bu kişi şu an çevrim dışı.
28 Kasım 2004 Pazar 05:58:40
My ego and her cynicism got on really well and we would say
"what would you do in case I die?" or
"what If I had Aids?" or
"don't you like The Smiths" or
"lets shag now".

We left our fíngerprints all around my room,
breakfast was automatically made,
and it would come to bed in a trolley,
no hands,
we did compete to see who would have the best orgasms,
the nicer visions,
the biggest hangovers.
And If she became pregnant we decided it would be God hand s fault,

The world was our oyster, life was life.

But then she had to go back to London,
to see her boyfriend and her family and her best friends and her pet
called "Gus".

And without her l've been a mess.
l've painted my nails black and got my hair cut.

I open my pictures collection and our past can be limitless
and I know the process is to slice each section of my story thinner
and thinner until l'm left only with her.

I ve felt like shite all the time no matter who I kiss or how charming
I try to be with my new birds.

this is the point, Isn't it?

New birds that will never project me along a wire from the underground
into the air, into the world.

e. (eef0)
Bu kişi şu an çevrim dışı.
28 Kasım 2004 Pazar 06:00:32
tabi ikiye bölününce gayet ucuz bişey oldu ama.. siteyi yapan arkadaşa da satır arasından gönderme yapmaktan gına geldi artık.. napalım. işte bu kadar olabiliyo burda, kendisi bizi buraya kadar support edebilio.. (: